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Consumer Advice

After installation process consumer is advice to note the following points

A) Only potable/clean soft water having total hardness less than 50 PPM (parts per million) should be used in the SWHS.

B) The water will not reach an acceptable temperature until the unit has been exposed to sunlight for approximately 7 hours, this time will vary depending on the amount of solar radiation.

C) The most efficient operating times for the unit are between Morning (Sunrise) till Evening (Sunset). But this will depend on season of year & density of cloud cover, if any.

D) In days of dense cloud cover excessive water usage should be avoided.

E) Large withdrawal of hot water during daytime will result into poor hot water supply next day morning.

F) Adequate length of cold water inlet pipeline, entire length of outlet hot water pipeline & portion of the pipeline between the collector & tank must be insulated to prevent loss of heat from the system to the atmosphere.

G) The glass cover of the collector should be kept clean by removing the dust regularly.

H) Though not recommended & in case of the hard water, descaling at periodic intervals is quite necessary & should be done by the customer to protect the service life & efficiency of the SWHS.

I) The users of Jain Solar Water Heating Systems are hereby warned that steaming hot water may be produced any time in summer or whenever there is partial withdrawal or no withdrawal of hot water from the solar system for a number of days. Mix cold water to lower the temperature of hot water before use. Alternately cover the aperture area of the collector partially with an opaque material like cardboard or Plastic/Plywood.

J) For more details consult the respective officer / engineer of the company.

K) Periodic Cleaning of filter, if installed, is must to ensure smooth system operation.

L) Keep overhead cold water tank always full to avoid air trapping in the system.


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